Saturday, December 13, 2014

Another Chapter

Over the 30 years of Painting and Decorating I have started 3 different business. I  now have sold all 3 of those businesses. Yes. The Refunk Your Junk store and studio has been sold to a very talented Ms. Maggie Green who has been training under me since I moved to Palm Coast Florida. I am super proud of her and today... after all the training and a lot of planning I handed the key over.

 As you can imagine it was bittersweet. Just like when I sold my baby, Joel and Sherry's Paintin Place in New Jersey, I have lots of mixed emotions.  I know this crossroad is another growth spurt for me. I have been doing this a long time and my business model for this type of business has proven to work.  Maggie has been a prize student and is following all the business advice I have taught her.

 From starting her knob collection:

To embracing the moto.... "there are no mistakes...."

She followed my protocol and has set up her Refunk Your Junk Art Studio.

Maggie has purchased the rights to the our Coastal Colors Beach Chic Paint Line and is certified to teach the Refunk Your Junk Workshops. She will hold a workshop twice a month.

When I came into the store this morning for the final turning over of the business I was super proud of all the work she did. She is calling her business
...... AND AGAIN......
"My grandmother bought it
My mom sold it
I bought it back..."

Maggie has a very special talent of taking smaller items and up purposing them. I myself have purchased a few of her things.


Maggie will be at the store every Saturday and Sunday with lots of new treasures. If you haven't done a Refunk Class yet go in and sign up!  I feel like my baby has grown up and is off to start a life of her own but I am so humbled to have been able to take her by the hand and guide her to "living the dream...." 

As for me, Ms.Sherry, I will continue to create.  As per request from Mr. Waldman I will be semi retired. I am going to start blogging, write a book, keep "Place~lifting" local homes and continue to help others in finding their way to make $ from their passion.  I will keep the Refunk Your Junk Facebook page so stay on with us! 

In the near future I will be introducing a few more of my students who are ready to take that leap of faith, become a Coastal Colors Stockist and teach our Refunk Your Junk Classes.

Best of luck Maggie. I am just a phone call away with any questions. xxxxoooms.sherry

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